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Back To Normal In Your Business After Covid-19

There is no way to know when things will go back to normal in your business after Coronavirus (COVID-19). In fact, normal as you knew it, may never be a reality again. Things have changed overnight. It’s a reminder that this was always a possibility but many of us weren’t ready for it. So what do we do now? 

First, we acknowledge that there is no going back. 

It’s too early to tell the future impact of social distancing. One noticeable change is that the roads are much lighter with so many working remotely. The questions become: When this is all over, will they even want to go back into an office? What does that mean for your office space? How will communication with your team need to be different? 

If you weren’t set up for virtual group chats like Slack or Flock before, it’s quickly becoming a necessity now. Now is a good time to get familiar with those platforms and think about what it will take to maintain your company culture now that everyone isn’t face-to-face. The factors that were important before may not be as important now. 

Secondly, we get innovative. If there’s no going back, we are in a unique position to create the future. Has there been a part of your business that hasn’t been working well? Now is the perfect time to scrap it and try something new. 

Many restauranteurs are adjusting to their dining rooms being off-limits. They have shifted to curbside pickups and delivery. Designing new menu items that are perfectly suited for this method is an opportunity that could potentially lead to a new best-seller. 

In your business, what are your new constraints? How can you lean into them instead of resisting them?

Finally, we keep things in perspective. We’re not the only ones who are suffering with the effects of COVID-19. Businesses across industries are feeling its effects so we’re all in the same boat. You don’t have to feel the pressure to have it all together at all times. 

If you haven’t been sleeping or taking care of yourself, this is your friendly reminder that it’s going to be okay to set aside some downtime. You will get through this like you’ve gotten through everything else. 

* * *

The new normal in your business is ultimately whatever you decide to create. There is no wrong or right way. It just has to work for you, your employees and your customers. Keeping everyone up-to-date with the latest and setting expectations along the way will make a big difference as you transition. 

If you’re reading this and need help brainstorming ways to be innovative in your business right now, reach out to us. We’re here for you. 

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SNRC Advisory is a boutique marketing and business development firm that specializes in helping business owners develop and execute winning marketing strategies and programs to scale and achieve greater results.
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