Mon-Thurs: 10:00 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 10:00 a.m. - 2 p.m.


3 Reasons To Hire A Graphic Designer

As a business owner, you tend to wear many hats, especially in the beginning. The idea hat. The strategy hat. The budget hat. The marketing hat. It’s easy to get into the habit of doing it all — but should you? Here are three reasons why small business owners are best served by hiring a…

Money Real Talk: Can You Afford Your Business?

You’re finally starting to make money with your business. Congratulations! Now how are you spending it? If your response is “Vegas, baby! I’m going to double my investment!” that’s not a long-term strategy for success. Let’s make sure you’re collecting a monthly salary and reinvesting in your business first. Here’s a checklist to know if…

How to put the “You” in your Business

Newsflash: You are not your business. You still work there. It’s important to remember that your business is an extension of you. This one mindset shift will allow you to start understanding that there are levels to the goals you are trying to accomplish. When you make decisions about what’s best for your life, your…

Your definition of success is the right one, and here’s why.

6 Houston Business Owners. 6 Different Answers. Article follows the order pictured by row   When you hear the word “success”, what do you think of? To many, success is measured by financial stability and high job performance. It is often seen as a competition between employees and peers — who gets promoted, receives a…

Success: It’s Not About the Money

We interviewed three women entrepreneurs in the Houston area and asked them to define success in their own terms. Funny enough, none of them mentioned anything regarding money, salary, or meeting financial goals. Something that is often wrapped up in the ideology of success, right? These business owners look at success in a drastically different…

How Three Houston Business Owners Define Success

Success can be a daunting word. It is often associated with the mindset of “making it big” or “climbing up the ladder”. Rarely is it seen as a measure of happiness and self-worth. Merriam-Webster defines success as a “favorable or desired outcome; also: the attainment of wealth, favor or eminence.’’ Notice that this is a…

4 Steps To Identifying Who Your Target Audience Should Be

Whether you work for an established company or are just starting your business, identifying your target audience is crucial to effective marketing and the continual success of your company. Your target audience is made up of individuals who need the services and solutions you provide. Determining your target audience is a lot easier than you…

You are a Brand. Time to Take Ownership Of It.

No one cares about you. No, really, they don’t. They care about the role you play in their lives, and what you represent to them, and when it comes to positioning yourself as a brand, here’s what you need to know. At the end of the day, we all look out into the world with…

Speaking Your Client’s Love Language: Acts of Service

  You’ve heard the saying, “Actions speak louder than words,” and for your clients, nothing rings more true if their love language is Acts of Service. When it comes to fostering a deeper connection with your clients, the only real evidence that they have of their experience with you is what they can see in…

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SNRC Advisory is a boutique marketing and business development firm that specializes in helping business owners develop and execute winning marketing strategies and programs to scale and achieve greater results.
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